McDavid 6440 | 1 pair of knee and elbow pads

HEX protective knee pads, black color 1 pair
HEX knee pads are used to help prevent injuries from impact. that may occur during sports Especially sports with high chances of contact such as basketball, volleyball, skating, American football, rugby, hockey with special technology researched and researched by MCDAVID.
special feature
- HEX TECHNOLOGY A special hexagonal foam board with high impact resistance and does not absorb water. Help spread the impact from various types of sports. especially in sports with high chances of collision Helps prevent abrasions, cuts, bruises and prevents concussion that may occur to the bones.
- lighter than normal gloves The small hexagonal foam pads are curved to conform to the shape of the knees, making them comfortable to wear. does not move throughout use
- hDc is a technology that helps absorb sweat effectively. and can evaporate quickly
- Can be used to protect knees, elbows and shins when playing football.
- World-class quality, confident that it is used by pro athletes around the world.
- 6 months product warranty
** All models of MCDAVID products that are not purchased from an official distributor of MCDAVID THAILAND are not covered by the quality warranty from Thailand service centers.
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Free Shipping
We ship every day, Monday to Saturday. Addresses in Bangkok: 1 day delivery. Other provinces: 1-2 days. Express delivery via Grab is also available - please contact us on LINE app.
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