McDavid 656, 6511 Elite | 1 arm compression sleeve

Compression arm sleeves, black color, 1 side
Compression arm sleeves are used to increase the performance of the muscles. Increase blood flow and oxygen Including preventing scratches that may occur during sports. Can be used for basketball, ball, running, badminton, tennis, golf, volleyball, skating, UV 50+ protection with special technology researched and researched by MCDAVID, widely used by NBA pro athletes.
* Elite model material is knitted fabric. Premium design, more comfortable, durable and breathable.
special feature
- Compression is a technology that improves blood flow. enhance muscle performance Helps to exercise longer. Reduce fatigue and make muscles recover faster. prevent cramps Reduces injuries (18-21mmHg at the upper arm and 12.6-14.7mmHg at the forearm).
- hDc is a technology that helps absorb sweat effectively. and can evaporate quickly cool and dry quickly
- Prevent scratches during sports
- protection from sun rays The danger of skin cancer, the highest level, UV 50+
- Can be worn on both left and right sides
- does not move throughout use
- World-class quality, confidently used by NBA pro athletes widely.
- 6 months product warranty
เทคโนโลยีรัดกล้ามเนื้อ ช่วยให้ออกกําลังกายได้ดีและยาวขึ้น เคลื่อนไหวได้คล่องตัว ป้องกันการเมื่อยล้า ป้องกันการบาดเจ็บ (18-21mmHg ที่ต้นแขนและ 12.6-14.7mmHg ที่ท่อนแขน)

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We ship every day, Monday to Saturday. Addresses in Bangkok: 1 day delivery. Other provinces: 1-2 days. Express delivery via Grab is also available - please contact us on LINE app.
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